Our Services
Our managed print services optimise the performance of your printer fleet with our proactive monitoring services delivered by our expert Client Support Team.
We work with you to establish what your exact print and document requirements are and where you can make savings. In order to analyse your printing and help automate your workflows, our managed print services utilise the latest software to improve your business processes.
In short, we remove the burden of having to monitor your printing environment.
Professional Services & Recommendations
ePAS (Education Printers & Scanners) have over 35 years of experience of supplying the education sector and supply a wide range of products and print servicing requirements.
We have one goal in mind: To provide Schools / Colleges & Universities with easy access to trade pricing saving them money so this can be spent on educating our next generation. We provide the tools to configure & price your print solution required with minimal time and experience needed. We are always here to help with any questions.
We do not charge any commissions on savings we introduce or device & services we supply, which are all backed up by our non onerous service agreements with you the customer in mind.
We want to prevent educational organisations being tied into onerous expensive contracts which do not offer best value for money. We see this all too often and believe this wasted money should be put to better use educating our children.

We Specialize In
Offering the market leaders in the print sector, we’ve got you covered for your print & document management.
Hybrid Working
Our Managed Print Services incorporate printers for remote workers.
Scan direct to cloud services, network folders , back office systems, USB, email or mobile
Follow Me Printing
Submit print jobs from anywhere around the globe for secure release on any device.
Text Extraction
OCR documents from paper media direct to Word, Excel or CSV for instant editing of files.
Education Printers & Scanners are independent print specialists company with over 35 years of experience in this sector. We have seen many horror stories of organisations not getting the right equipment or contracts for their schools and colleges.
All devices offered are best of breed and are accompanied with Service Level Agreements which have you, the customer in mind.
All too often we come across apparent cost reduction sales people. They only have one thing in mind, how much commission can they make from you!
Our belief is getting good reliable equipment & service on affordable print agreements designed for schools and colleges so you can spend the savings on educating our children. Not lining a salesman’s pockets!
We only offer straight-forward leasing options. Either standard finance lease or operating lease.
We do not charge any commission fees based on savings we project.
We do not charge any fees on the supply of equipment.
We keep it very simple. Great prices for hardware (which includes delivery & installation) Competitive rates for outstanding national service.
Our offering is unique as we help you configure the perfect print/copy/scan package for your budget with no smoke and mirrors.